On this episode of MarketScale’s Software and Technology podcast, host Tyler Kern was joined by Arbin Instruments International Sales Manager, 理查德-罗杰斯.
阿尔宾的 电池测试设备 处于行业的最前沿,创造了高精度的测试方法,帮助世界各地的研究人员开发新的电池材料,以满足电动汽车和电网存储等新行业的耐久性和寿命要求。
“Instead of a battery needing to last for (~1,000) cycles and last for one or two years, like in your phone, an 电动汽车电池 needs to last 10 years or more, and it might need to last tens of thousands of cycles and more,” Rogers said. “(It’s the same for) grid storage applications.”
帮助推动测试过程的发展,缩短开发时间,鼓励高精度。 温度管理 以及更多,阿尔宾与 福特汽车和桑迪亚国家实验室 开发新的、最先进的测试设备,以应对这些现代挑战。
It’s a simple concept, Rogers said – not all test equipment is created equal, and Arbin is committed to exemplifying the best of the best.