Module and pack battery formats are critical for electrification in the transportation and energy industries. Arbin Instruments’ module and pack test equipment is engineered to facilitate the performance-based tests that are critical to these complex battery formats. They are capable of addressing test needs including drive cycle simulations, dynamic stress tests, and BMS validation.

- Arbin’s Regenerative Battery Testing (RBT) series is specifically designed for testing high-power battery packs. Engineered with electric vehicles, military technology, and stationary grid storage in mind, these pack testing systems can simulate complex, real-world applications such as drive profiles, cranking amp applications, and other custom profiles. The regenerative circuitry within each RBT system allows power to be discharged back to the grid, making it a more economical battery test solution for pack voltage up to 1000V and maximum power up to 1MW.
电压范围 | 60~1,500V |
电流范围 | 100~1,500A |
回馈效率 | >90% |
Arbin Instruments’ module/pack test equipment include systems for the following applications:
- 循环寿命测试
- 电动汽车(EV)工况循环模拟
- 混合脉冲功率特性测试(HPPC)
- 动态压力测试(DST)
- 全球统一轻型汽车程序(WLTP0)
- 启动脉冲电流测试
- 电池组的研究和开发,用于 电动汽车 和 电网储能应用
- 通过CAN总线与电池管理系统(BMS)进行通讯
- 支持的文件类型:时间与电流,时间与功率,时间与负载
- 单文件支持高达100万行模拟数据,支持矩阵查表工作模式
- 真正的双极电路,因此在充电和放电之间没有切换的死区时间。
- 高密度数据数据采集,间隔小于5ms
Compared to traditional battery cycling that may use exclusively constant current and constant voltage (CC-CV) charge/discharge profiles, EV testing applications require charge/discharge based on various real-world applications. These charge/discharge profiles are highly dynamic and require much greater current demands relative to “traditional” testing.
RBT系列的CANBus通讯功能 :
- 允许BMS完全控制RBT的充电/放电
- 轻松地导入CAN数据库并进行定制
- 与BMS电池管理系统的读/写集成
- 提供易于浏览的下拉菜单选择
- 创建定制的CAN报告以同步比较BMS数据
- 不依赖第三方设备、DLL动态库,也不需要许可证,不需要额外开发即可使用
- 支持CAN应用扩展、开发
Arbin提供 CANBus/SMBus接口, 允许使用CAN协议对Arbin测试器进行实时外部控制。该功能允许电池模块/电池组与BMS(电池管理系统)进行通信,或用于客户需要通过CAN进行外部控制的电池测试。
The 温箱通讯接口(MTCI) allows the Arbin system to communicate with an approved third-party temperature/environment chamber. Arbin’s software can turn the chamber on/off and adjust the temperature during the test.
控制电源 (CPS)包含扩展的安全功能,可提供多种输入,使Arbin系统与外部设施完全整合,允许接收外部控制信号,提供塔灯显示状态等。
Arbin提供 热电偶 和 热敏电阻 sensor types to measure and record temperature during testing. They function independently so the user may flexibly assign them in any configuration with the main charge/discharge test channels. All data is automatically synchronized with the cell charge/discharge test data. Available sensor types include:
- K-型热电偶
- T型热电偶
- PT100热敏电阻(精度±0.5℃, PT100热敏电阻输入与Arbin MZTC多温区温箱兼容.)
- 10kΩ热敏电阻(NTC)
Made for performance testing, Arbin’s module/pack battery test equipment allows engineers and scientists to assess battery behavior under specific real-world conditions. These systems are designed to test battery performance, condition, aging, and safety, along with BMS communication, under realistic scenarios that are simulated by drive cycle profiles and other application-specific tests. This data is critical to the development and production of pack and module batteries.