与阿尔宾一起庆祝美国航空航天局60年的成就!今日美国》发布了一份特别版出版物,回顾了NASA过去的60年,并展望了即将到来的事情。 免费查看这份特别版出版物,并查看Arbin在第33页的广告。储能是实现[...]的一个关键要求。
Batteries are a critical component of many products, and energy storage plays a very active role in our lives even outside of the research/industry setting. Therefore, selecting the right battery test equipment is an important decision for companies and the individual researchers who are responsible for producing results, whether they are starting small, or at
All battery test equipment requires software to operate the instrument. The software interface can be one of the main differentiating points besides hardware performance. It is important to confirm the software communicates using a modern high-speed standard such as TCP/IP (Ethernet) protocol and whether high-performance microcontrollers are used internally. This helps future-proof the system as
评估电池测试设备 - 第6/12部分 - 软件的可用性和功能 Read More »
Accuracy represents the trueness of test equipment measurement; the closeness of average sample to its true value. Specifying this metric requires comparison to a known source such as a high-performance meter. Accuracy should not be confused with noise. The relationship between “accuracy” and “precision” relates to the measurement noise. As stated above, accuracy is how
评估电池测试设备 - 第5/12部分 - 准确度 Read More »
Robustness – the quality of materials and quality of construction have a major impact on how long the test equipment lasts and how long it will hold calibration. Resistance to corrosion and temperature fluctuations are significant attributes of high-quality test equipment. The instruments duty cycle and the maximum power rating also heavily contribute the usefulness and
评估电池测试设备 - 第4/12部分 - 稳健性 Read More »
Temperature variance of the test equipment and the device under test will always affect the measurement. This is a physical property that cannot be escaped, but it can be minimized. Knowing how temperature affects the measurement empowers the researcher when determining the experimental error. When test equipment resolution and precision are sufficient, measurement fluctuation due
评估电池测试设备 - 第3/12部分 - 温度 Read More »
Precision determines the level of noise/fluctuation present in the test equipment’s measurement. Precision also indicates the consistency and repeatability of the instrument’s measurement circuitry. A measurement with very little noise/fluctuation is considered to be precise. Measurement precision at “100ppm” indicates it will vary by no more than 0.01% (100/1,000,000). Many instruments will not specify their
评估电池测试设备 - 第2/12部分 - 精度 Read More »
Resolution indicates the smallest change in measurement that can be detected by the instrument’s sense and control circuitry. Typically referred to in “bits” of resolution or an absolute unit of measurement such as µV or µA. For battery test equipment, resolution is determined by the analog to digital and digital to analog conversion, commonly known
评估电池测试设备 - 第1/12部分 - 决议 Read More »
Bureau Veritas provides battery testing services on behalf of retailers who need to make confident decisions when selecting a battery manufacturer for their product. Retailers are faced with questions related to battery quality and performance, as well as analyzing how different types of battery may affect the performance of their product. Bureau Veritas provides the
Arbin invites all of you who use Arbin test equipment to tell us about your recent or upcoming achievements, results, products, and successes! We want to celebrate your success and share across the industry through our e-newsletter, or other possible co-marketing opportunity. These “customer spotlights” are the most commonly requested news item we share. Place
Pardon our excitement, but it snowed in central Texas, y’all! It melted less than 18 hours later, but it was beautiful while it lasted. All of us here at Arbin wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Arbin Instruments is exhibiting at The Battery Show in Novi, Michigan (Tuesday-Thursday, September 12-14). Come check out our great demo and visit with us to learn more about our new High Precision testing instruments capable of meaningful coulombic efficiency measurements. Helpful PDF Event Resources Download The Battery Show Event Schedule Download The Battery Show Exhibitor
请参阅Arbin在2017年The Battery Show(展位2010)。 Read More »