High Current Cylindrical Cell Holder – 200A



Battery holder for high capacity cells up to 200A with adjustable length and diameter for cylindrical cells with opposing terminals.  Allows 4-point connection with independent current and voltage measurement.  This holder is ideal for testing high capacity 18650 and 2170 cells as well as newer 4680 and 48120 sizes.
Arbin PN: 432636

Price includes shipping.

Battery holder for high capacity cells rated up to 200A with adjustable length and diameter for cylindrical cells with opposing terminals.  Allows 4-point connection with independent current and voltage measurement.
Battery Diameter : 10mm-50mm
Battery Length: 10mm-120mm
Max Continuous Current :200A
Circuit Resistance :<5mΩ
Operating Temperature:-20°C~80°C
Overall Dimensions: 12.25 X 3 X 3.5 inches (lever arm extends 1.5 inches beyond holder base)