Regenerative Battery Test Series for Cells (RBT-Cell)
通道电压 | 6V, 10V, and 20V Models |
通道电流 | ±100A or ±400A per channel, Up to 1,600A |
通道数量 | Up to 64 |
Arbin's RBT-Cell Battery Test Series is designed to meet the growing demand for regenerative battery testing. It offers high-current, cell-level test channels that use Arbin's regenerative technology for reliable and efficient testing and validation.
As the demand for energy storage solutions grows, so does the need for regenerative technology that not only accurately tests and characterizes batteries, but also contributes to a sustainable future.
Arbin’s Regenerative Battery Testing (RBT-Cell) series combines high-precision measurement and regenerative technology to reduce the overall energy cost of your testbed. This innovative technology enables researchers to generate reliable and repeatable data without compromising on results in the pursuit of energy efficiency.

Flexible Configurations
Voltage Range Options | Current Ranges |
0 to 6V | 100A/25A or 400A/50A |
2 to 10V | 100/25A or 400A/50A |
2 to 20V | 100A/25A or 400A/50A |
Key Features
- Channel Density: 4 or 16 channels per module, capable of operating independently at ±100A or ± 400A per channel, or used in parallel to achieve current up to ±1,600A.
- Minimize Floor Space with up to 64 channels per rack in a compact footprint.
- Fully parallelable so any number of channels on the 16-channel module can be connected to increase the current-handling capability.
- Reduce Energy Consumption and HVAC load by utilizing efficient regenerative circuitry to return up to 85% of discharge energy back to the grid.
- Reduce Energy Consumption: Efficient regenerative circuitry can return up to 85% of discharge energy back to the system and/or grid.
RBT-Cell Specifications
硬件规格 | |
Channels per module | 4 or 16 |
频道数 | Up to 64 |
电压范围 | 6V, 10V, or 20V |
Current per channel | ±400A /channel (4CH), ±100A/channel (16CH) |
Channel Parallel | Up to 16 Channels |
Current Ranges | 2 |
Rise Time | <1ms for 4CH module <2ms for 16CH module |
回馈效率 | Up to 85% |
Measurement Specifications | |
测量精度 | 0.02% FSR |
测量精度 | 0.01% FSR |
测量分辨率 | 24 Bit |
Measurement Refresh Interval | 2ms for 4CH module, 8ms for 16CH module |
Time Resolution | 100μs |
Chassis Specifications | |
Cooling | Air |
Input Power | 340V - 520V |
底盘尺寸 | Width: 25" / 635mm Depth: 45" / 1143mm Height: 72" / 1829mm |
Application Focus
- Facility integration to interface with temperature chambers, test facilities, or other third-party systems.
- Precision: Each channel provides multiple current ranges with industry-leading 24-bit resolution.
- Data Sampling and Logging: Powerful embedded controllers provide ultra-fast data sampling and logging.
- Comprehensive safety features for lithium-ion battery testing.
- Dynamic data acquisition based on changes in time, voltage, and current to capture more data when needed and maintain efficient file sizes.
- Simulation of Real World Test Profiles.
- dQdV & Coulombic Efficiency.
- Cell-level Quality Control & Grading.
Powerful Software Integration
- Create and manage test schedules, monitor real-time testing, and analyze results.
- Integration with third-party hardware and automation software.
- Suitable for both laboratory and production environments.
- Local and remote control of test channels.
- Test data securely stored in a range of robust database formats including MS SQL, Post GreSQL, Access, or utilize Apache Kafka for additional flexibility.
这张图表达了Arbin电池测试仪和另一个设备制造商之间的差异。使用不合适的测试设备可能会错过图上两个明显的跌落峰谷。一些厂家仍在销售十年二十年前设计的产品,而Arbin一直在努力改进我们的设计,以满足不断进步的行业需求。在为期 三年的ARPA-E项目 中,我们开发了大电流超高精度测试仪,并在后续的产品中广泛采用了这项研究中的新技术。这包括目前在售的 LBT系列, RBT-Cell,以及 HPS 设备系列。HPS超高精度测试设备代表了Arbin最顶尖的技术实力,可以称之为行业的技术天花板。而我们的LBT系列标准设备,也比市场上的其他测试仪更具备技术优势。
Arbin提供 CANBus/SMBus接口, 允许使用CAN协议对Arbin测试器进行实时外部控制。该功能允许电池模块/电池组与BMS(电池管理系统)进行通信,或用于客户需要通过CAN进行外部控制的电池测试。
The 温箱通讯接口(MTCI) allows the Arbin system to communicate with an approved third-party temperature/environment chamber. Arbin’s software can turn the chamber on/off and adjust the temperature during the test.
Battery Racks & Holders
Arbin提供 热电偶 和 热敏电阻 sensor types to measure and record temperature during testing. They function independently so the user may flexibly assign them in any configuration with the main charge/discharge test channels. All data is automatically synchronized with the cell charge/discharge test data. Available sensor types include:
- K-型热电偶
- T型热电偶
- PT100热敏电阻(精度±0.5℃, PT100热敏电阻输入与Arbin MZTC多温区温箱兼容.)
- 10kΩ热敏电阻(NTC)
Arbin提供了一个可选的 自动校准模块 which can be used to re-calibrate the system when needed. All Arbin test equipment include a calibration interface as 使用外部仪表作为标准参考源 that can use an external meter to check or perform re-calibration. The AutoCal module is used to automate this process and will function without the need for an external meter.
自动校准模块的标准额定电流可达200A,而扩展的 高精度分流器 也可用于600A电流的校准。