
测试设备应该促进而不是阻挠测试过程。好的设备可以让研究人员在实验过程中捕捉到最小的变化。耐用和可靠的设备具有多种品质,共同作用于准确和高效的测试过程。下面概述了良好设备的5个关键特征 电池测试设备.

  1. 高分辨率 分辨率 refers to the smallest change in measurement that can be detected by the equipment’s sense and control circuitry. Higher resolution allows for higher clarity in the data. For instance, Arbin’s equipment has 24-bit resolution, compared with the industry standard of 16-bit. This allows the slightest changes in voltage and current to be visible to a greater number of digits. This is crucial as significant changes and patterns in measurement would be missed with lower resolution equipment. 

  2. 高精度 High precision equipment means that there is less noise/fluctuation in the equipment’s measurement. 精度 also indicates the consistency and repeatability of the instrument’s measurement circuitry. Miniscule changes in the data are lost when there is too much noise. The lack of precision also prevents consistent and repeatable results from experiments. This makes it extremely difficult to see trends early in the cycle life, and see the differences between early cell degradation.
  3. 准确度 准确度 是指测试设备测量的真实性。换句话说,平均样本与真实值的接近程度。当设备同时具有高分辨率和高精确度时,对良好的准确性进行评估是最好的。如果没有清晰和干净的读数,单单是准确度规格的意义就会大打折扣。 

  4. 最小的温度波动 The 温度 of the test equipment will inevitably affect its measurement. Good equipment minimizes this impact. Temperature stabilization is achieved through the design of the equipment. For example, Arbin’s equipment makes use of shunt designs and high quality materials that are resistant to temperature fluctuations. Internal thermal control mechanisms also isolate sensitive components and tightly regulate temperature. Since temperature is a component that greatly affects the functioning of a battery, these features that regulate temperature are essential in maintaining control over the testing process. Temperature fluctuations are easily visible with high resolution and high precision equipment, allowing researchers to catch these changes.

  5. 坚固的材料 与任何研究设备一样,用优质材料和优质结构制造的设备经得起时间的考验。可靠的电池测试设备是 耐腐蚀、耐高温 并能很好地保持校准。由于电池测试可能是相当长期的,可靠的设备应该能够在整个测试过程中保持一致。如果设备在测试周期中出现故障或坏掉,将大大阻碍研发过程。
    高质量电池测试设备的好处 需要高质量的测试设备来加速电池开发过程。像这样的行业 电动汽车(EV)行业 benefit greatly from high precision test equipment like Arbin’s that can detect the smallest differences between cells and materials early in the cycle life. EV batteries are projected to last 8-10 years, but a long test cycle slows down the development process. EV batteries can then fall behind the development speed of the other parts of the vehicle. Reliable, high-precision test equipment allow researchers and manufacturers to accelerate the testing and development process, and allow them to advance faster with 材料研究 和电池的发展。
    高质量的测试设备通过为研究过程提供可靠和精确的数据来加速发展。上述所有的功能是相辅相成的,并能发挥最佳效果。关于如何评估电池测试设备的更深入的信息 点击这里.



