
快速充电的可用性将是电动汽车采用的最大驱动力之一。目前的公共直流充电桩可以为车辆充电,最高可达 80%在半小时到一小时内完成 — still quite a long time compared with the few minutes it takes to refuel an ICE vehicle. Multiple manufacturers and developers are now working to make fast-charging possible. Is technology finally ready to rapid charge electric vehicle batteries?





Being electro-chemical cells, a battery’s stability is determined by multiple factors such as materials, temperature, usage, etc. If not taken care of well, a battery can deteriorate and become obsolete very quickly; fast-charging could accelerate this deterioration process.

A 研究 from the University of California, Riverside conducted an experiment that found just this. After charging battery cells using the industry’s standard procedure for fast-charging EVs, they found that battery capacity reduced by as much as 40% after just 40 charge cycles. An EV battery is considered end-of-life below 80% capacity, so they found that cells were practically unusable after 25 cycles. After 60 cycles, the cells even split open.

Why is this the case? Fast-charging rapidly increases the internal resistance of a cell, which means that the usable capacity of a battery decreases. One reason for this is the build up of lithium plating, the process where lithium attaches itself to the anode and can be detrimental to the cell’s integrity. Moreover, when charging power increases, the heat inside increases as well. This leads to a build up of gas, causing the battery to swell, eventually leading to fire or explosion.



为了创造他们的快速充电电池,以色列公司StoreDot专注于更新电池化学成分以支持它。大多数常见的锂离子电池使用石墨阳极。该公司使用 锗基纳米颗粒 这有助于解决安全、电池循环寿命和肿胀方面的问题。该电池设计已经在消费产品、无人机和两轮电动车上进行了测试。StoreDot公司还生产了电池,以展示电动汽车的快速充电能力。 

另一个正在进行的快速充电项目是来自宾夕法尼亚州立大学的工程师,他们设计了一个 磷酸铁锂电池,只需10分钟就能充电.该电池利用自我加热的方法,将电池加热到140华氏度,以促进充电过程。研究人员还用低成本的材料设计了该电池,以便使其适合大众市场。


了解更多关于阿尔滨如何协助电动汽车革命的信息 这里.


